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The climate smart revolution is happening. It’s not just about making green choices. It’s about integrating renewable energy and deep-technology into our everyday lives. That’s what we do at Ecozen, with the help of deep tech. And the Renewable Energy India Expo has been an opportunity platform for us to showcase our offerings. 

What is the Renewable Energy India Expo 2022 about?

The Renewable Energy India Expo, offers a wide-ranging platform for domestic and international manufacturers, vendors, customers, and industry experts in the field of renewable energy. Focusing on renewable energy sources like solar, wind, bioenergy, energy storage, electric vehicles, and charging infrastructure, REI is Asia’s top business-to-business exhibition.

Why do we choose to go to The Renewable Energy India Expo 2022?

We went to the REI EXPO 2022 due to the following reasons:- 

1. We as an exhibitor got the chance to network with industry experts and influential decision makers.

2. It acts like a platform to showcase your products, brand and activities in an exciting setting focused on the latest innovations and market trends.

3. Make new contacts whilst updating and developing existing relationships face to face with your clients and partners.

4. By taking part as an exhibitor, you will have the chance to speak with scientists and businesspeople in a direct setting, giving your company the chance to grow and have an impact on future markets during these challenging economic times.

What did we showcase in the current Renewable Energy India Expo 2022?

We’re thrilled to be back at the Renewable Energy India Expo 2022! Starting from September 28 to 30 as we showcase our climate-smart deeptech solutions, our revolutionary products and future offerings:-

Ecotron: Ecotron is India’s first 4G enabled and mobile app-controlled solar pump controller set, Ecotron, we have elevated farmers to the forefront. We aim to make Ecotron the decentralized power source of the farm and explore opportunities to collaborate with us.

Ecofrost: Experience Ecozen Ecofrost’s unparalleled #IoT & #AI capabilities including control (change of modes, set points, maintaining crop inventory) and monitoring (temperature, humidity, alarms and more) of your cold room with the Ecofrost Connect application. We now look to bring that revolution to other sectors as well.

Ecozen IoT solution: Ecozen’s IoT solutions are a part of all our products. We’ve got 80,000 IoT devices deployed on fields that have executed over 5MN remote commands and processed over 2TB of data. These IoT devices have helped:

– Increase machine life through advanced analytics enabled preventive maintenance.

– Prevent incidents before they happen through smart alerts using predictive diagnostics.

– Make data driven decisions with insights through configurable reports and dashboards.

– Improve productivity with in-depth tracking through customizable desktop and mobile apps.

Ecozen Motor Control: All in Control is the saying of Ecozen. With Ecozen, you’ll have the most complete motor control at your fingertips.

– Prevent failures with smart alerts and advanced on-board analytics.

– Reduce downtime through motor protection protocols & prevent burnout.

– Increase productivity with automatic programming for various kinds of motors.


Ecozen’s focus on climate-smart deeptech solutions, its emphasis on sustainability, as well as the professionalism of the event make it a fantastic opportunity for anyone working in the Technology + Agriculture industry. We had a blast at the event, and we’re thrilled to be returning in 2022!

To catch some more glimpses of our REI Expo 2022, visit our LinkedIn Profile: